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CDC director weighs in on risk of myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccine l GMA
CDC weighs in on rare heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccine l GMA
Ex-CDC head weighs in on COVID-19 vaccine and possible heart issues l GMA
CDC investigating heart inflammation among young vaccinated people l GMA
CDC investigating heart issues among some teens after COVID-19 vaccine l GMA
CDC director discusses approval of booster shots l GMA
CDC: Some COVID vaccines may be linked to rare heart inflammation cases in young people
CDC: Small number of vaccinated young adults experience heart issues l GMA
CDC discusses risk of getting myocarditis after getting COVID vaccine
Maine CDC Director addresses parents concerns about myocarditis risk in COVID-19 vaccine
CDC, RIDOH investigating possible link between COVID-19 vaccines and rare heart condition
CDC says 'likely association' between mRNA vaccines, rare myocarditis cases